Food Musings

A Winnipeg blog about the joy of preparing food for loved ones and the shared joy that travel & dining brings to life.

Days 5,6,7 Isla Mujeres Trip Report


Day 5 was Superbowl Sunday! D didn’t play tennis so we enjoyed a sleep in and missed the sunrise. This was the first of many enjoyable Sunday mornings at Jax for church with Ken Wanovich.

Shortly after this photo was taken, it clouded over and rained again so we stayed put at the apartment. The hammock that we brought from home for the beach worked great in the apartment, so we took turns napping and reading in it.

When it cleared up and we went out for a stroll, we came upon Marea, the restaurant at the former Poc Na now Sirena Hostel/Hotel. We enjoyed the game there and loved the food! Check out the full story in the Marea link above.

The morning of Day 6, I was back to my solo sunrise and yet the solitude provided space for me to count my blessings and all the things I am grateful for in my life.

It was another gorgeous day on Centro Beach with family and friends.

On the way home we passed the fruit carts on Medina that make these beautiful creations out of mango and other local fruits. There are many artistic craftspeople on the island.

That evening was another fabulous dinner out at Grill Garden. Click here for the yummy details.

Sometimes I have a hard time decided which sunrise pic that I like best. As was the case the morning of Day 7 which was Valentine’s Day.

D and I were grateful to spend the day as VIPs at the Amazon Beach Club. Did I mention food art? Check out these creations.

We had so many leftover fixings from our previous meals out, that D made Sister #3 and I a beautiful dinner of surf and turf with shrimp. The white lilies (my favourite flower) were from D too. I hope he knows how much I cherish him.

We decided to treat ourselves to an ice cream for Valentine’s dessert and strolled up Hidalgo. While we waited for our choices to get scooped into cones, we enjoyed the merriment of others celebrating along the street.

All these special occasions were made even better because we were on the island with our family and our Isla family and friends.

Kath’s quote: “The only thing we never get enough of is love, and the only thing we never give enough of is love.” -Author unknown

Love never fails.

Day Four Trip Report Isla Mujeres with Dinner at Fredy’s


Another beautiful sunrise on an equally beautiful day-the day my twin brother and sister were born 65 years prior.

Have you ever been on Centro Beach when the car ferry went by? It seems that it travels dangerously close to the shore where people frolick in the water.

This was the view from the hammock that day-swaying palms and impossibly blue sky!

The beach was huge and there seemed to be room for everyone.

Just after this pic was taken of my handsome guy, the clouds that you can see to the right edge of the photo, started rolling in. We got back to the apartment in time, but soon after, it started to pour. On Isla when it rains heavily the streets flood in Centro making it impossible to keep your feet dry as you hop scotch among the puddles. We wanted a perfect evening as we were celebrating the wonderfulness of those newly senior twins!

I cherish all my siblings. K and K are closest to me in age. I have always been proud of my handsome brother with his keen sense of humour and his athletic abilities. I watched many of both his hockey games and practices in the olden days, when they weren’t always in indoor arenas. In Manitoba, Canada that’s love.

Sister #2, Sister #3 and I have always been magically close-acutely feeling each others’ pain and mountaintop experiences. The bond between three sisters, like three chords or rope, are not easily broken.

Here is the eldest of the twins with her husband and daughter. The latter traveling all the way from Australia to be with us on this day.

Here’s my D with Sister #3 and our SIL L. We are family who happen to be friends and friends who happen to be family.

Fredy too, is an important part of our extended Mexican family and we couldn’t imagine celebrating anywhere else. To read about many other visits, click this link. He put aside a table far from the rain, allowed us to decorate and ensured that he had stocked up with our families’ favourites-his pork chop above and shrimp below, along with ribs, Mexican platter, chicken fajitas, etc. etc. All prepared beautifully with flavours that we dream about from one season to the next. In fact Sister #2 and her family hadn’t been on the island in six years and I think she yearned for Fredy’s shrimp that entire time!

Fredy also gave us permissions to bring in desserts prepared by our lovely friends at Dulzara Argentinian Bakery. One was a tropical fruit cheese cake and the other a chocolate and coconut concoction-both rich, decadent and perfect for a very special occasion like this.

You can see the fun that we have as a family.

Fun that continues, even after the smoke from the blown out candles has cleared.

Kath’s quote: “With mirth and laughter, let old wrinkles come.”-William Shakespeare

Love never fails.

Day Three Isla Mujeres Trip Report


I was getting pretty use to these solo sunrises. They are better when shared I must admit. But pretty darn good on my own.

Sometimes the colours of the sunrise sky go on and on. On this morning I could still enjoy them from “home”.

Sister #3 and I were off on an adventure. We took the bus to check out a restaurant new to us, near Punta Sur. We passed the entrance to Little Garrafon (as we always called it). The gorgeous blue of the water was even more beautiful against the red of the Coca Cola truck. Boy, the locals sure love their Coca Cola!

Sister #3 enjoying the wonderful cocktails at Rancho Capricho. Click here to read more.

After our delicious lunch, we got back on the bus and headed back to Centro. We met a lovely woman from Scandinavia who was travelling alone. She had many fascinating ports of call on this side of the Atlantic and it was a pleasure to meet her and have a quick chat about the world.

The bus stop we got off at, just happened to be right by our favourite liquado and popsicle store. We sat on the wall in front of this fabulously painted building and enjoyed our dessert-a lime popsicle for Sister #3 and a pistachio one for me!

By this time. it was definitely the hottest part of the day and I needed some cooling off. D was already on the beach. He was pretty easy to spot as we take down our own chair and hammock and don’t line up at the water’s edge with everyone else. We claimed the space just off of the sidewalk where there are still palm trees (some of them impossibly small) to string our hammock and luxuriate in the shade.

As the afternoon wore on we headed home for showers and then headed right back with cocktails to enjoy the setting sun.

People love to see D come by as he volunteers to takes everyone’s pictures so they don’t have to wrestle with selfies.

The sunset was a beauty and we were grateful anew to always return to this special place.

For dinner, we decided to dine in our little apartment. We often buy these chops that are half ham/half pork chop when we are on the island, so we cooked them up pastor style with salad and orzo. Delish. We always intend to dine in more often, but get pulled by the lure of being with family and friends and visiting the many fabulous restaurants within walking distance of Centro. Besides, I had already dined out once that day.

And when we don’t spend on supper, that means….churros! Everyone has their favourite carts. Ours is Churassic Park! They don’t taste greasy, are made to order and we love the cinnamon and sugar sprinkle.

By this time, we wear getting weary and with D playing tennis every morning before sunrise, it was time to get ready for a new day.

Kath’s quote: “Churros are like long Mexican doughnut sticks that have been fried or dipped in cinnamon sugar or, as the sign tells me, strawberry sugar. They smell like God’s footprints. I’ve never had a real churro, but halfway down the promenade, I make a decision to give up on everything: finding Alex, finding another job, the meaning of life. Just give me that sweet fried dough”.-Jean Bennet.

Love never fails.

Day Three Trip Report-with stops at M7 Beach Club


As the sun rose on this day, we were excited that even MORE family were coming for a visit.

In the mean while, I witnessed this touching sight-a traveler teaching his kids how to sit patiently to witness the sunrise. As a Glamma I try my very best to instill the joy of simple things in the lives of my grands.

D and I had a breakfast date that morning at Oceans, which was fabulous if you would care to read here.

And then we were off to the ferry terminal (again). This time we were meeting another niece and her husband who were visiting us from Cancun. They had been married there the year previous. We needed sustenance again but also some time in the sun. These two only had a week in the area and wanted to soak up the vitamin C. There are many new beach clubs on the island. Sister #3 suggested M7 at it was a great choice. Their pina coladas took two hands to sip them but they were first rate.

Niece R wanted to try the shrimp tacos. She indicates she tries them everywhere. These came pastor style and were deemed pretty good.

The lay out at M7 provided lots of options for shade or sun. Lounge chairs or tanning beds. At least part of the gang returned a couple of times over the next few days.

Here’s the group above. Unfortunately Sister #3 was blocked in the pic but it included the 3 sisters, 1 SIL, 1 Bro, 1 BIL, 2 nieces, 1 nephew in law and husband D!

We did some shopping at Hortencia’s with the gang and then headed mid island to see Sister #2 digs for the week. Dinner that evening was in their neighbourhood.

Another lovely day in paradise made even more so by having precious family come visit.

Kath’s quote: “Blood makes you related. Love makes you family.”

Love never fails.

Day Two Isla Mujeres Trip Report with Late Eats at Lola Valentina


At sunrise it looked like rain was inevitable and I seem to recall that it did rain that morning, for an entire 27 seconds, which is often the case.

I did a loop of the Malecon to say hi to some of my old Isla friends.

I am pretty sure that this was D’s first day of tennis with his new buddies, as I watched sunrise on my own. I sent the kids a selfie from that morning and they all teased me that I looked like I had been on a binder the night before. And no, I am not going to repost that picture here.

By the look of the sky, I thought that Sister #3 and I would have to forego our plans to hit the beach.

But no. See how clear the skies were only a half hour or so later? My beautiful sister who had been in Mexico for about 10 days at this time. She has diligently studied Spanish as she respects and loves the Islanders to such an extent. Between her language capabilities and her beautiful tan, she gets mistaken for a local. As does our brother K, but that will be a future picture.

I loved that first day at the beach. I had shaken off my malaise after being on North Beach the day prior and was happy to walk along the water’s edge which was quite unoccupied at this end. I took a number of refreshing dips that morning and remembered anew the wonderful feeling of being in salt water. D soon joined us as did another gal from our apartments. We met a gorgeous redhead from Saskatoon who we all immediately bonded with.

Soon it was time to head up for lunch and showers. I had figured out how to light the gas element in the apartment, so I rustled up this quesadilla with re-fried beans that Sister #3 provided and the gooey Manchego cheese that we love in Mexico.

By this time, three family members were on the island -Sister #3, Bro K and SIL L but we were soon to double that number! Sister #2 (Bro K’s twin), brother-in-law M and niece D would arrive later that day! If we are in Centro, we do our best to meet ferries when they arrive with loved ones on board. Sometimes it means we meet a number of ferries, not knowing for certain how hectic the airport was or the traffic to the ferry terminal. Later in our stay, we waited for a ferry that never came, even though family messaged us to say they were disembarking. But that is a story for another day.

There were many embraces to be had. This gang had not been on the island for 6 years, even though for most of us we had only skipped one year due to Covid. They were staying in an Air BnB in a familiar neighbourhood because they used to stay at Bahai Chac Chi. The guys assisted BIL M in getting the luggage and a cab to check in, and the rest of us tried to figure out where we should go for a bite because the new arrivals had endured a long travel day and we didn’t want them to get “hangry”. Lola Valentina was our destination.

We have long-loved Lola Valentina. I couldn’t count the number of times we have visited. In fact, the rehearsal party for a family wedding, six years prior, had been held here.

We started by sharing a starter of Lola’s unique guacamole with the inclusion apple, crumbled bacon and panko-crusted goat cheese bites.

Coconut Shrimp was enjoyed by Sister #2

as well as Stuffed Chicken by SIL L.

D and I split an order of Chorizo Bombas. They were hearty balls of mashed potato, cheese and ground chorizo, panko encrusted again and served with a yummy chipolte cream. But I was particularly entranced by what Niece D was served.

I had enjoyed the complex tastes of Tamarind Fish on a previous visit but I had forgotten how exquisite the presentation was. This tower of rice, veggies and the catch of the day was topped with papaya-cucumber pico de gallo and drizzled with a garlic, ginger, tamarind sauce. As much a feast for the eyes as the tummy. It wouldn’t be our last visit to Lola’s while on this trip.

Lola Valentina is right on Hidalgo across from our friend Fredy’s. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner from three separate menus and are open daily.

Kath’s quote: Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

So true-it happened to me!

Love never fails.

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